Ringing in the Ears? Cure Tinnitus Naturally and Permanently with Hypnosis.
What is Tinnitus?
Commonly known as ringing in the ears, Tinnitus can also be characterised by a high pitch whine, buzzing, clicking, tapping or chirping sound and is often associated with a hearing loss or impairment.
What Causes Tinnitus?
Tinnitus has been related to incidents of head injury, whiplash, exposure to excessive noise, as a side effect of certain medications or even a build up of ear wax. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the presence of these conditions can be co-incidental to the tinnitus and therefore not the cause at all. In fact, there is thousands of documented cases of tinnitus with no apparent cause – it just showed up out of nowhere.
The truth is our ears are particularly sensitive to changes in pressure – which in turn is affected by energetic charge in the atmosphere.
It’s why dogs can “sense” the coming of a storm even before the clouds appear – we too can sense the change in vibrational energy through the changes in atmospheric pressure.
Our ears don’t just react to the shifts in physical energy, but also the shifts in emotional energy which also vibrate the way sound waves vibrate. Our bodies are transmitters and receivers of information through this vibrational energy and our ears can pick up on emotional vibrations.
Wait! Emotions Vibrate? And We Can Hear T
Yes, you can “hear” when someone’s happy, sad, angry or afraid even when you can’t see their face or hear their voice – they send out a vibrational energy that we inherently recognise as a particular emotion.
“That’s why you can usually tell when someone’s not happy – we “sense” the way people around us are feeling. Our bodies pick up on the vibrations that others give off – at a subconscious level,” says Roberta.
How does this “vibe” become Tinnitus?
An emotional memory has been triggered in the subconscious mind, and the body is responding to it by adding a ringing in the ears to get our attention. Possibly an emotion you don’t recognise or an emotion attached to an event you don’t remember – it may have been too painful or frightening to remember. The amygdala in our brain senses something foreign, unfamiliar, or frightening it sends a message through the sympathetic nervous system to activate fight or flight mode and we experience a sense of distress which presents as tinnitus.
For example, I saw a middle-aged gentleman, who had fallen down an old mine shaft as a 2 year old – he didn’t remember the experience, only what he’d heard his parents tell about the story… but as you can imagine it must have been quite frightening for him as a child – not to mention how much of a fright it would have caused his parents. He developed tinnitus after watching a news story about a group of kids trapped in an underground tunnel – because at a subconscious level, his mind was remembering his own experience and was triggered to vibrate the sound of the emotions he experienced as a kid. In hypnosis, he was able to remember the childhood incident and make the emotional connection between that and the news story; and help his mind understand that any perceived threat had passed; then… the tinnitus stopped.
How can Hypnosis cure Tinnitus?
Quite simply, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which we can help a person unlock the subconscious mind and discover the emotion or the event in which they first experienced that emotion that might have caused them enough pain or fear that they needed to shut it away. Even if the tinnitus was triggered by a more recent event such as an injury, the subconscious mind is using this as an opportunity to show you something that it wants you to know. This is called regression and it’s just like opening up an old file from a filing cabinet to help you better understand something that’s happening in the present.
Not only that, hypnosis is the state at which our minds are at their most receptive to new ideas, so it’s the perfect way for a person to change the way they feel about something and decide not to be bothered by it any more. This is the transformation stage of the process and the reason why, the results can be made permanent.
Hypnotherapy is an all-natural, drug-free, non-invasive treatment for many issues and tinnitus is one of the latest and most exciting issues to be tackled using hypnosis because it has previously been thought to be incurable. Hypnotherapy is the answer.
Want to know more?
For an obligation-free consultation, on how to naturally and permanently deal with ringing in your ears known as tinnitus, click the link below.
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