My system of hypnotherapy deals with bad habits connected to your relationship with money and releases any blockages which may be preventing you from reaching your true financial potential. During your appointment you can discuss the changes you want to make, where you think things could improve and set goals for positive future finances. The hypnosis will get you thinking in the best way and help you to make the changes you need to advance your life forward positively.
Hypnotherapy is a fully conscious deep relaxation where the mind is more able to take on positive suggestions thus making it easy to change habits and patterns.
You have programmed yourself over your life time with money habits including parents attitudes towards money and your own experiences. Whether you have money but would like to feel better about it or create more, you have had money but lost it, you don’t have enough money, you have debts, loans, credit card bills or you get stressed about money issues hypnotherapy can help you break free of the old thought patterns, getting you feeling relaxed about your finances. Every client is different so each session is tailored to suit the persons needs. You will only make changes which improve your situation.
By changing limiting beliefs about wealth and abundance, you can begin to attract ideal circumstances, people, and situations that will bring prosperity into your life.